Consider extreme

Rob Arthur
2 min readOct 16, 2019

Words like “balance”, “moderation”, and “sustainable” have become staples in our collective dialogue about health and fitness.

These terms are used with the best intentions.

To promote an approach to health and fitness that does not detract from one’s quality of life.

That’s totally cool.

That’s a really freaking worthy goal.

But how often do we ask what any of these words actually mean?

How do we know when we’ve found balance?


Ultimately, these terms all come down to finding an approach that’s “worth it”.

That moves us toward our goals at a pace and with levels of effort, energy, and time that we prefer.

We’ve all got different needs, preferences, and goals.

Thus, we’re all going to find different rates of progress worth different levels of effort.

If you’ve been getting nowhere with moderation.

Struggling to make progress with balance.

Avoiding an approach you think might be a good fit because you heard it’s not sustainable.

Consider extreme.

Consider pushing your limits.

Consider exploring the fringe.

After all, how will you find what’s “worth it” until you know what’s not?

You and you alone determine what’s balanced, moderate, or sustainable in the context of your unique circumstances.

So long as you keep an open mind and don’t become married to any specific idea.

So long as your results — how you look, feel, and perform — steer your efforts.

So long as you constantly ask “how’s this working for me?”

Openly and without judgement.

Driven by self-love and a hunger for nothing but the best life.

There’s a good chance you’ll end up right where you need to be.

You might find that you enjoy the extremes.

You might find that you don’t.

You’ll never know until you try.

You’re worth the effort.

You’ve got this.

Originally published at on October 16, 2019.

