Eat what you want

Rob Arthur
2 min readNov 28, 2019

If you’re in the United States, happy Thanksgiving.

If not, happy Thursday.

Heading into the holidays can be challenging when it comes to eating.

This is especially true for those of us who have health and fitness goals.

Some of us may want to indulge.

Some of us may want to stick to our normal habits.

On one hand, one day doesn’t make that big of a difference.

On the other hand, we may sincerely want to just not deviate.

This conflict comes with pressure.

Pressure from ourselves.

Pressure from others.

Pressure to participate in the holidays.

Pressure to continue toward our goals.

We don’t quite know just how food fits into the equation.

How do we navigate such situations?

How do we decide whether to or not to eat the dessert?

It might not be as complicated as you think.

If you want dessert, eat it.

If not, don’t.

It’s your body.

Eat what you want.

But consider exploring the why behind the want.

To honor your body?

Please others?

Feel worthy?

What role does food play in this pursuit?

What role do you want it to play?

There are infinite reasons to or not to eat.

Infinite roles food may or may not play in your life.

These reasons and roles are up to you.

Get clear on what, how, and why you want to eat.

What, how, and why you want to live.

Then live accordingly.

Eat accordingly.

Without judgment.

Take the pressure off.

Eat like you love yourself.

Live like you love yourself.

However that looks to you.

That’s totally up to you.

You are worthy.

You’ve got this.

Originally published at on November 28, 2019.

