Is this how I want to spend my time?

Rob Arthur
2 min readJun 8, 2020

We only have so much time on this rock.

We never know when that time is going to end.

It might be in several decades.

It may be later today.

There’s no way to tell.

The moments turn into hours.

Then weeks, months, and years.

Each seemingly passing faster than the previous.

Time is our most precious asset.

Our most valuable resource.

Yet, we so often do not act like it.

We struggle through relationships that aren’t serving us.

We break our backs for careers that leave us feeling empty.

We pour ourselves into efforts from which we find no value.

We pass time scrolling through news feeds.

We say things to bring other people down.

We do the same to ourselves.

We beat others up.

We beat ourselves up.

We squander moments at every opportunity.

All while the clock continues to tick.

We spend our limited time so frivolously.

Chasing pleasure at the expense of fulfillment.

Pursuing unquestioned goals.

Seeking distraction.


Rarely reflecting.

Rarely pausing.

Rarely asking ourselves.

Is this how I want to spend my time?

The answer is not often a pleasant one.

You might find the moments when you can answer, “yes”, to be few and far between.

There’s good news, though.

You can do something about it.

You might not be able to do everything you’d like.

But you can do something.

You can take one step.

Make one change.

Even if that change isn’t to your circumstances.

Even if only to your mindset.

You are not powerless.

Your time is yours alone.

Decide how you are going to use it.

Even if your efforts are fruitless.

Make the change.

Do what you can.

That’s all you can do.

You’ve got this.

Originally published at on June 8, 2020.

