You don’t see the losses

Rob Arthur
2 min readFeb 6, 2020

We face countless opportunities to compare ourselves to others.

Social media.

Reality shows.

Even day-to-day gossip.

Comparison can leave us feeling inspired, seeing what might be possible.

It can leave us feeling validated, knowing that we’re not alone and we’re okay.

Sometimes it’s simply informative, building contextual knowledge about the world in which we live.

Yet often we compare and do nothing but beat ourselves up.

We beat ourselves up because our lives aren’t as good as those we see.

We’re falling behind.

We’re not where we “should” be.

Because everybody else is just so damn…

Sure, some folks love to complain.

They love to share all of their drama.

Always let us know how much their life sucks.

Yet they’re not the ones against whom we measure ourselves.

We compare ourselves to those appear to be crushing it.

Who have the perfect lives.

The high-paying, low-stress, fulfilling career.

The lean, strong, mobile body.

The loving, supportive, smiling family.

The extended, scenic, exciting vacation.

Even if all of these facets of their lives are true, you aren’t getting the full picture.

You aren’t seeing what a day in their shoes looks like.

What a day in their head feels like.

You don’t know anything about the things they don’t share.

You don’t see anything but what they present to the world.

You don’t see the losses.

You don’t see the struggles.

You see the highlight reel.

Most importantly, none of it has anything to do with you.

You’re not them.

Live your life.

Make it as excellent as possible.

For no reason other than that you’re living it.

You’ve got such a tremendous gift.

Make it FN awesome.

As awesome as you can.

That’s all you can do.

You’re worthy.

You’ve got this.

Originally published at on February 6, 2020.

